Electropolish Coating

Eddy Bullock – threefiftyconcepts.com
Electropolish is a ‘performance coating’. We remove the iron from your SS material, enhance the chrome and nickel, leaving you with a corrosion resistant surface. A layer of oxide is a passivation on steroids.
This new finish resist bacteria in food industry, medical, beverage and electronic.
Enhance the polished surface leaving zero draw or buffing lines, a precision method on minimal stock removal in some necessary application.
Think Green, no risk of peeling, contamination from plating materials, a clean pure surface.
In today’s high-tech requirements, think micro-deburring. High-tech also means reducing contamination, making your material purchase even a higher quality tool..
Less fiction is realized with Electropolishing, especially on hard to get at surfaces because it is a non-mechanical process.
HALE PERFORMANCE COATINGS knows precision treatments, be the best, be safe, use a source that understands your business.