Power and Performance

Hale Performance Coatings actually improves your molds. If you create molds for cars or trucks, the aerospace, housing, or recreational industries, our methods provide them with an ultra-hard, ultra-fast service. This reduces friction. Less friction means less maintenance and less lubricant.

This means less cost.

Our chrome plating is compatible with many of today’s high-tech metal treatments, such as nitriding. We can also chrome plate a die that’s already welded and treated. If there is an engineering problem, or a repair needed, we can strip the chrome with a non-acid solution. We will then do your rework on the original base metal finish, and rechrome the die.

Hale Performance Coatings also provides fast turnaround on localized, on-line work. We take the die or mold for a short time, prep it, and return it for an on-line “spot-chrome”. If your tool is already approved, we can still provide a “spot-chrome” that will improve the parts performance. You won’t have to slow production with a special start-up or break-in.

Quality and consistency? – At our in-house lab, the stripping and plating solutions are carefully monitored to ensure each bath is etch free. We then provide you with charts to confirm uniformity. We do it in the time allowed – you set the schedule.

At Hale Performance Coatings , we are consistently updating our technology and re-educating our staff. Our people, and our methods provide state-of-the-art chrome plating faster and smarter than ever. It all adds up to power. The power to keep your ideas moving.